Schools Reopening Virtual Town Hall Meetings

Town Hall
Schools Reopening Virtual Town Hall Meetings
8/11/2020, 3:00 PM 4:30 PM

Virtual Town Hall for Schools Reopening Plan

IUSD will be hosting virtual town hall events for parents and families to share important information regarding our distance learning school reopening plan for the start of the 2020-2021 school year. Agenda topics include: Instruction, Health and Safety, Social and Emotional Learning, Family and Community Engagement, and Operations. Following these multi-school presentations, every school will host a virtual orientation prior to the first day of school.

We are scheduled to host these virtual town halls from August 11 - 13, 2020. IUSD Board Members will be invited guests. We want to share information and answer any questions you may have. Below are schedule dates and participating schools for each event.  We are looking forward to seeing you there! Please mark your calendars to make sure you participate and our website for the link. Spanish translation will be available. If you would like to submit any questions to ask during the town hall meetings, please click here.

 Format:               YouTube broadcast and Google Meet

Time Frame:       3:00 pm with a 1 to 1 ½ hour duration time

Date:                  August 11

Date/Time Cohort Schools YouTube Link
August 11, 3:00 pmCohort 2Oak, Hudnall, Payne

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